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SHARED REVENUE: Our local police and fire departments need an increase in support.  Economic and social instability brought on by COVID 19 has generally increased mental health concerns that impact family and public safety.  Specifically, in Franklin, the expansion of our entertainment district increases the need for police coverage. The expansion of our senior population increases the need EMT services.  The state of Wisconsin has historically shared a percentage of state taxes with municipal and county governments to help alleviate the costs of public services, such as police, fire and EMT.  The percentage of general fund appropriations committed to local governments has been reduced over the last 25 years by 60%.  The state budget this year has a close to $3 billion surplus.  Wouldn’t it make sense to serve local taxpayers by reducing the property tax needed to increase security closest to home?


GUN SAFETY:  Schools and churches are the heart of our communities.  Our families should not fear their participation in either. In the United States this year (as of June 7th) there have been 246 mass shootings, 27 of these shootings in schools.  Firearms are now the leading cause of death for children and adolescents.   Our state Democratic legislators have two gun-safety legislative priorities.  First, we need to close the on-line and private sales loophole on background checks.  Secondly, we must institute "Red Flag" laws the give police and community members the option to petition the court if they know of a gun-carrier who is in imminent danger of hurting themselves or others.  The numbers are clear.  States that have policies that increase gun safety see a diminished number of suicides and homicides.  A strong majority of the American public (80%) favor gun safety policies.  Police favor gun safety legislation.  Gun safety does not compromise the second amendment.  Gun safety saves lives. 



QUALITY SCHOOLS: I am a graduate of the Franklin Public Schools and a fifth-generation public educator.  I understand the value that public education holds in the lives of our families, of our communities, and of our democracy.  State funding for our public schools was cut drastically under Governor Walker in 2012.  Since that time, school funding has fluctuated slightly, but recent levels have been at an all-time low as targeted federal Covid relief for limited school programming resulted in a reduction of state funding.  Our special education costs have been especially hard hit.  In the 1970’s, state reimbursement for special education costs were 70%.  Reimbursements for public school special education costs are now 24.5%.  Compare this with Republican-supported Special Education Scholarships for private schools which covers 90% of a student’s special educational costs. The voucher program for private schools systematically undermines the funding and quality of our public schools.  Governor Evers vetoed a Republican bill that lifting the cap on private school vouchers, meaning our tax dollars would pay the tuition for any private school student regardless of family income.  Franklin, Muskego and Greendale are proud of our public schools.  We support the public mandate to educate all the children in our communities. We support our public-school teachers.  We elect our school board members carefully. Private schools play an important role in our educational system.  Their funding however should not be at the expense of our public schools.   State funding needs to better support our public schools, the heart of our communities.  



EXPANDING MEDICAID/BADGERCARE:  Wisconsin is one of only 12 states that has not accepted federal funding to expand Medicaid coverage to adults living at 138% of poverty.  Acceptance of this federal funding would mean the following: 

  • 126,000 additional Wisconsinites would have access to healthcare.

  • Wisconsin would receive $1.6 Billion in new federal health care dollars.

  • Federal reimbursement for Medicaid costs would increase from 65% to 90%, saving Wisconsin taxpayers millions of dollars. 

  • Research on states with Medicaid expansion has shown an increase in health outcomes of both the newly insured and their caregivers.

  • Rural and urban hospitals that serve low-income clients have more financial stability, avoiding closures.


WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE: I support maintaining and increasing women’s access to all reproductive health care including abortion services.  I support collaboration with Republicans in reducing abortions through increasing resources that assist in the prevention of unintended pregnancies.  These resources include access to birth control, relationship education for youth and strengthening the safety net for low-income families.   

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